January 1, 2024
Dear Younger Generations of Humans,
Remain aware of all that you see going on in this world all around you. Pay attention - Look Deeper into situations and conditions that arise – Question - Observe – Witness Outcomes as being the “Effects” of the Cause”. Become able and willing to Recognize, - Understand - Acknowledge the True Cause for what, why, how things, places, people, relationships and the present situations and circumstances came to be.
Rely not on just words being said or written as being truth, especially by those whom you are not familiar with, close to and/or haven't a history with. Transparency has become a very rare quality. Thus, we must be more diligent in observing people's actions, witness outcomes. All of which speak volumes about a person's level of integrity, their core beliefs, intentions, basic human values and what their priorities are. Be aware of the lifestyle – practices - activities people choose to participate in and spend their time and energy. This reveals much about who they are and/or possibly where they are choosing to be at that particular time in their life. Because people can and do change sometimes. Hopefully for the better, sometimes not.
In any case... Yes- it is wise to seek the truth in others, in all your relationships and in everything you choose to be involved with. However, most Importantly- First/Foremost seek the truth within you- in your relationship with your-self, and continue to do so throughout your entire lifetime, with the understanding that... There are always more and new truths to seek, discover. And, though every truth-itself cannot be changed by you (nor anyone else) a truth can indeed change (even transform) you and your life. The discovery of a truth can be a great catalyst for making a very difficult choice or change in/for yourself and your life (that you might've been previously avoiding, pushing aside, or overlooked) which can become the mark of an important milestone in your life journey.
It may take time to come to terms with the unexpected truths before one becomes able to feel a sense of acceptance, peace and resolution with “what is” and cannot be changed. However, as the greater picture unfolds a seeker comes to know and trust that; truthfulness prevails above all. It will be your greatest asset, which can free you to experience life in new ways, with greater clarity greater intention for greater goodness.
To be continued in our next Notes...
Meantime... Stay Human,
January 8, 2024
Understand that you were not born into this world as a baby-human being to just “Grow-Up” to want, do and achieve all the things you were told that grown-ups want and must do- To then grow older so you can do other things that older people do- And then eventually become old enough to just do nothing but remember what you wanted to do but didn’t... While you wait to leave this world. The truth in this matter is... You are here to Mature - emotionally, mentally, spiritually; to become more conscious responsible adult human beings of integrity, with values that honor the sacredness of your human existence. To keep seeking, learning, creating, growing, so that you never become old. All of this and more being a part of the true natural human life process. That you continue growing with your very last breadth of life in this material realm and even thereafter.
We are here to make the effort to expand our vision of how we see and can truly serve our real selves; to become willing to let go of the strict adherence to the mundane duties we are told we must get done; to question those senseless man-made rules, laws that serve only those who make them, and the rigid requirements we have been expected to fill as “grown-ups”. It is then we can begin to imagine, realize our true purpose, power and ability to co-create with Infinite Source, Higher Intelligence, to experience our unlimited human potential and highest good as an individual. Which enables us to serve for the highest goodness for All. That we begin to learn, grow into who and all we truly are and are meant to be in this life experience and in/for this world. This is also just one of the Greatest Truths waiting to be revealed and expressed through us. here to Mature - emotionally, mentally, spiritually; to become more conscious responsible adult human beings of integrity, with values that honor the sacredness of your human existence. To keep seeking, learning, creating, growing, so that you never become old. All of this and more being a part of the true natural human life process. That you continue growing with your very last breadth of life in this material realm and even thereafter.
In our understanding and certainty of Truth being a part of Universal Natural Law, we can choose to live as True Human Beings were created for, in alignment with the law of Truthfulness. By doing so we not only serve our own highest goodness for our own individual life, but we also contribute to the highest goodness for this world and for humanity.
It is only through your own free-willingness, consent, choice and by your own efforts that you recognize and honor your birthright of free will; to each develop your innate human sense- abilities of intuition, inner knowing, natural instincts and creative mind, able to reason, think sensibly, independently. These are just some of the gifts for being human and the tools we can use to navigate through this human life journey, in our search for greater truth, meaning, purpose here.
I invite you to make it a priority to use these tools, experience the inner freedom and self- empowerment of one who dares to become a seeker, warrior and enforcer for the greater force of truth.
Meantime... Stay Human,